Friday, February 3, 2012

How To Make Authentic Greek

How To Make Authentic Greek Roast Lemon Chicken

I used to work in a Greek restaurant and one of the most popular dishes was Roast Lemon Chicken. It's soft and tender and has so much flavor that no one can resist it. It's easy to eat so the kids will have no problems getting the meat of the bone but it has enough style and pizzazz that you can serve it to guests.


2 lbs of chicken pieces, thawed
Garlic salt (or powder)
White pepper
� cup Chicken broth
� cup of oil
3 tbsp. Lemon juice
� cup of water


Layer chicken in the bottom of a large pan
Add seasonings to taste (sorry, don't have specific measurements as we never used them!)
Cover with chicken broth, lemon juice, oil, and water
Cover pan with tinfoil and cook slowly in over at about 375 degrees ? about 1 and � to 2 hours.


Add your favorite veggies. I like to add carrots and onions but green beans or turnip or even potatoes are nice as well. If you add a veggie and potatoes you've got a full authentic Greek meal.
Cut back on the oil for a healthier version. You don't need to have as much as the recipe but that's how we did it.
Use rice instead of potatoes and you end up with a fabulous rice pilaf.
Serve with greek salad or avegelomeno soup

I love to cook and discover new recipes. You can find lots more at my Family Cooking Blog.

Written by Danielle McGaw
I'm a professional writer with many interests! Click on my name to visit to learn more about me.

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