Sunday, January 15, 2012

Paleo Cookie Recipe – How

by avlxyz

Paleo Cookie Recipe – How to Bake Some Extremely Yummy Paleo Diet Cookies

Oh man, I just had some paleo diet cookies and I'm very pleased that the whole batch turned out alright, so you know what I'm going to do now?

Well, I'm going to share this extremely yummy paleo cookie recipe with you. I want you to try out this paleo cookie recipe and then

Yes spread the joy my friend! Meaning you should share the cookies with your loved ones, family, friends, your pet tortoise or hamster, whatever…

You know, my fiancé used to chide me for going on the paleo diet. g because you can't consume pasta (her fave food), preservatives, rice and other staple foods of most people on this planet.

So when I said to her I wanted to try this paleo cookie recipe, she just scoffed and said it's going to taste "really bland" like most paleo diet meals.

Now, what she didn't know is that I had downloaded a collection of Paleolithic diet cookbooks. I've tried some of the recipes in those cookbooks and they tasted fine.

You can check out the cookbooks by visiting this link:

Alright, I apologize for blabbing too much.

2 tbs arrowroot powder, 1 cup coconut flakes, ½ cup of maple syrup, ½ tsp organic kelp salt alternative (or just use the regular one if you like), ¼ cup of sesame seeds, ¼ cup of sunflower seeds, ½ cup of finely chopped pecan, 1 tsp of vanilla essence, 4 egg whites

(1)    Beat the egg whites until stiff peak have formed.

(3)    Drop arrowroot powder, salt and egg whites in a bowl and combine well.

(5)    Lay a parchment paper onto your cookie sheet or jelly roll pan. Next, scoop the mixture with a tablespoon and place on the paper.

Also don't forget to pat yourself on the back for giving this paleo cookie recipe a shot. Good luck!

Once again, you can check out the aforementioned paleo cookbooks where you'll get access to over 200 perhaps 300 recipes tasty recipes.

I don't recall the exact number because I've only tried a handful and so far, so good. There are recipes for paleo style nut balls, raisin cookies, nut delights, salads, seafood, noodles, soups and whatever…I'm too tired to list them all – sorry!

Check it out at - - >

Sam Hutchinson

Japan has a long tradition of enjoying the blessings of its unique ocean. The Japanese are masters at unlocking the flavor of the ocean bounty. We take a look at the rich variety, that is, Japanese seafood.
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