Sunday, January 15, 2012

How To Make Austrian

How To Make Austrian - Polish Yellow Wax Bean Soup


* Yellow wax beans, fresh is best, as many as you wish

* Potatoes, as many as you wish

* 2 or 3 lbs pork ribs or pork chops

* Salt

* White vinegar

* 2 Tbsp Butter

* Flour

* Water

Salt your meat and cook in soup pot filled with water. When the pork is fully cooked, remove it from the pot and separate it from the bones.� Return the meat to the pot.

To the pot, add peeled potatoes, diced or larger chunks as preferred, and continue to cook.

Add wax beans to the pot stir and cover.

In a small heated frying pan, mix melted butter, add flour, add salt, and mix into a paste.� Add a little water to keep it from being too thick.� Set aside to cool.

When the paste has cooled, slowly put it in the pot while stirring.� After 10 minutes, you can lower the heat to continue letting it get a little thicker than a thin watery soup.

When ready, ladle soup into a bowl.� Add a teaspoon or tablespoon of white vinegar to the bowl and stir it a little.� This makes the soup taste better.

When cooking the beans, make sure they are cooked through. If they are too hard, the taste is not as good as it should be.� Hope you enjoy it.�

�Salt your meat and cook in soup pot filled with water. When the pork is fully cooked, remove it from the pot and separate it from the bones.� Return the meat to the pot.

To the pot, add peeled potatoes, diced or larger chunks as preferred, and continue to cook.

Add wax beans to the pot stir and cover.

In a small heated frying pan, mix melted butter, add flour, add salt, and mix into a paste.� Add a little water to keep it from being too thick.� Set aside to cool.

When the paste has cooled, slowly put it in the pot while stirring.� After 10 minutes, you can lower the heat to continue letting it get a little thicker than a thin watery soup.�

When ready, ladle soup into a bowl.� Add a teaspoon or tablespoon of white vinegar to the bowl and stir it a little.� This makes the soup taste better.

When cooking the beans, make sure they are cooked through. If they are too hard, the taste is not as good as it should be.� Hope you enjoy it.

Written by buzzard33

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